Stefania La Vattiata

Philips 3D Mask Selector

UX and UI for 3D facial-scanning technology to help clinicians fit patients with the right mask




Stephan Morgan, James Rosario, Julia Park (Philips Respironics)


Research, Concept Development, UI design, prototyping

Project Duration

4 weeks


Illustrator, Photoshop, After Effects, Miro, Sketch

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Sleep apnea masks haven’t always been the most natural things in the world to wear. In the past, these devices have often been clunky and uncomfortable, making it difficult for patients to get the most out of their sleep therapy and continue with their program over the long term. 

 However, we are beginning to see the end of the era of the ‘one-size-fits-all’ mask – and this promises to transform the way continuous positive airway pressure (CPAP) patients experience care. A more personalized future has arrived, one that views patients as people and makes their comfort and experiences the priority.

Having the right mask that fits properly is essential to patients - it ensures that he or she can start therapy off on the right foot. A mask is more than just an interface between the patient and their device: it has the potential to engage and motivate them on their journey to a healthy lifestyle.

A more precise and personalized fitting experience can contribute to boosting a patient's confidence that he or she is in the right mask and that this is a solution that will work for them.

How 3D scanning technology can help ensure that the mask always fits CPAP therapy patients and business customers?



The Philips Mask Selector 3D software is the first and only clinically-validated mask selection, sizing, and fitting solution that helps providers fit patients with the right mask from the start. It uses 3D facial scanning technology and a proprietary algorithm to help providers realize business efficiencies with a 52% reduction in patient refits through the first 90 days of compliance. In-office digital scanning offers an option to limit personal contact between patients and providers to help with the new ways of working in today's world.

HOW it works

3D scanning innovations are being introduced into the mask-fitting process and supporting this drive towards greater patient comfort and satisfaction. The technology, which allows for more sophisticated facial contour mapping, means that medical device designers can better understand how their products interact with people’s faces and account for differences in facial structure as a result of gender, ethnicity and other factors.

 The technology benefits sleep technicians and therapists who regularly fit masks on patients for CPAP therapy. Using a scan of the patient's face alongside their responses to a questionnaire, the technology has the potential to recommend a mask type, mask size, and cushion size that are personalized to the patient's individual needs.


Efficiency is created by bringing the patient search and creation into one screen.

From the start, the DME (Durable Medical Equipment) provider can have a great experience with this application since it eases the whole mask fitting process. Once the DME enters the app, the home screen welcomes the user to a simple but efficient interface that provides the most used functions for them to work the record of a new patient or modify the record of an existing one.

Easy to follow instructions that provides users context for taking the most accurate photo.


The 3D tool extracts 46,200 points of contour data from each patient’s Facial Point Cloud, to refine the facial geometry mapping.


Mask Selector delivers an accurate, personalized CPAP mask suggestion that the physician and the patients can count on. Our premium technology uses a 3D camera to:

• Capture 150 pictures of the patient’s face and gather 100,000 key data points of facial geometry from each picture

• Run data through our proprietary algorithm of thousands of facial scans across various ethnicities to identify the 46,200 points most critical to the process

With this data-driven process, Mask Selector 3D recommends the mask type, cushion size, and frame size (if applicable) that fits best for the patient.


Focus on the results by creating space for the scan to live and breathe while giving ample space to describe the mask and the sizing information to the patient.
